Category Archives: News

Cancer language ‘must change’

Let King Charles’ illness finally change how we speak about cancer: it’s not about ‘winning’ or ‘losing’ a ‘war’, writes Simon Jenkins in the Guardian. As someone treated for bowel cancer, he thinks attitudes must change but also the language. Some of it is tactless, some ridiculous. More here

13 new test centres

The government has announced 13 new diagnostic centres, enabling the NHS to perform nearly 750,000 more PCa tests and checks each year, says Prostate Cancer Research (Dec ’23).

HIFU starts in West

RUH Bath is the first hospital in the West to use non-invasive PCa treatment. Newly-diagnosed men in the region who think they may be eligible for the treatment can speak to their clinician about referral. See here

Treatment ‘breakthrough’

Resistance to normal treatment for advanced PCa may be reversed in some men by stopping white blood cells from being “hijacked” and pulled into tumours, say researchers (2023) More here

Sex and PCa

How to keep your prostate healthy? Have more sex. See more here And more help here

Memorial moved

The PCa memorial is now in Edinburgh Waverley Station until September 13. It is in the secondary concourse area, near the station piano. More information here:  

Wellbeing hub launched

Prostate Cancer UK have created this wellbeing hub to help support you in looking after your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. More here. And Prostate Cancer Research has more advice on that here

Diabetes drug finding

The diabetes drug metformin could prevent the progression of PCa but only for some tumours which are more likely to develop into aggressive cancers. More here

Missing out on drug

Thousands of English men missing out on abiraterone. See here

AI sparks revolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools could enable men to get PCa treatment that’s more personalised to them, saving and extending lives, according to new research. More here