♦ First Thursday of month (10am-noon) coffee mornings held at the Penny Brohn Centre, Chapel Pill Lane, Pill, Bristol BS20 0HH. After some ‘hicoughs’ we have booked until 2027.
♦ Third Tuesday of month (2-4pm) meetings at the Macmillan Wellbeing Centre, Southmead Hospital.
♦ Friends and family welcome at all our meetings.
Prospect runs an Active Surveillance group at the Macmillan Wellbeing Hub at the new Dyson Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospital in Bath. It meets on the last Tuesday of the month. Leaflet here
The next members’ meeting is at BAWA will be announced ASAP. Members are urged to suggest possible organisations where we can try to ‘push’ PSA tests and attract more members. Need a lift to an event? We arrange pick-up points close to a bus stop near you. Email details to a few days in advance. Lifts will usually be timed to arrive at Penny Brohn at 10am unless the driver agrees to another time. Want details of our group? Email with your postal address and we will send you an information pack.